WayAhead Workplaces has compiled resources from various sources to help you do your job in workplace health and wellbeing now that the global pandemic has changed the world so significantly.
Workplaces may indeed be changed forever, or at least the way we work will. The need for support continues and the ongoing impacts the pandemic has had are still unfolding. Please keep this in mind when planning your workplace mental health and wellbeing programs and support for your employees.
COVID-19 Health Information & Advice
Department of Health
COVID-19 Health Alerts – Current status, symptoms, how to protect others, what to do if you’re concerned, advice for people most at risk, advice for the Health & Aged Care sector, and the Australian Government’s response.
Australian Health Advice – FAQs, visual guides & symptom checker.
NSW Health
COVID-19 Resources – Diverse language translation of COVID-19 posters, fact sheets, Aboriginal health resources, videos & graphics.
Information for people exposed to COVID-19 – Up to date guidelines, legal requirements, and advice for those identified as contacts of a person with COVID-19.
QLD Health
COVID-19 Resources – QLD Health response, information for First Nations people, older, pregnant & breastfeeding people, industry & business, and health professionals, a COVID-19 self-assessment quiz, and a blog.
World Health Organisation
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic information – Advice, guidance, vaccines, research, and more.
Coronavirus information and support for business – The latest COVID-19 government financial assistance and support for Australian businesses.
ABC News
What to do if you have COVID-19, and tips on how to manage your symptoms at home – What you’ll need to consider when managing COVID-19 at home.
Advice for safe reporting on issues related to COVID-19 – While provision of up-to-date information is vitally important, so too is sensitive & responsible reporting of details.
Hyrbid work & Workplace Re-Entry
WayAhead Workplaces & Transitioning Well
Post Lockdown Guide – Our new guide offers support during this transitional period as lockdowns in Australia ease, and once again the way we work changes. Explore re-entry anxiety, hybrid work, vaccination mandates, the Great Resignation, and more.
Returning to work after COVID-19 – Bringing your people back to work is not as simple as flicking a switch. Exploration of considerations through this transition period.
Beyond Blue
Strategies for transitioning back into the workplace after coronavirus – Read Beyond Blue’s tips for adjusting to life outside of lockdown.
The Oranges Toolkit
Returning to the office? Plan for psychological safety – Protecting and promoting psychological safety in the workplace is arguably as important for employee health and wellbeing as hand sanitiser and physical distancing measures.
South Australian Leadership Academy
Leading through COVID-19: Manager Toolkit – This comprehensive resource by the Government of South Australia explores how leaders can guide their teams through each critical stage of the pandemic, understanding the employee experience, performance, hybrid work, and workplace re-entry.
Associate Professor Kimberley Norris
The Path Back From Social Isolation – A COVID-19 resource for businesses, leaders and employees as restrictions begin to lift.
Beyond Blue
Tips for managing back to work anxiety – It’s important to know how to manage any anxiety your staff may be feeling during the transition back to work after lockdowns.
Return-to-work mental health guide for hospitality businesses – Ensuring staff & customers are comfortable & safe in the environment is crucial for venue owners.
Working from Home
Checklist: Working from Home – Providing guidance and measures on work health and safety obligations
when managing working from home risks.
Working from home: Guide for employers – How to provide structure, clear expectations, and a work environment that is safe and digitally connected.
Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Boosting job performance when working from home: Four key strategies – Peer-reviewed study of 1,300 employees working from home, and the factors associated with effective performance.
ELMO Cloud HR & Payroll
Employee Engagement in the COVID-19 Era – Free e-book to improve your employee engagement with relevant insights and tips for today’s COVID-19 climate
Working from home ergonomics resources – Factsheets to help make your home work area safer.
The Oranges Toolkit
5 ways to set home/work boundaries – Are you a segmentor or an integrator? Tips for improving wellbeing, reducing stress, and avoiding burnout while working from home no matter your work style.
Small Business
Ahead for Business
Support for small businesses financially impacted by Coronavirus – The Australian Federal and State Governments have released a range of financial support packages, grants and measures for small businesses.
Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
My Business Health – Assisting small business owners both with their wellbeing and business skills. In particular, there is a COVID-19 dedicated support area.
Beyond Blue
Practical tips to help run your small business from home – Practical advice to help you navigate this tricky time.
NewAccess for Small Business Owners – Free and confidential mental health coaching program, developed by Beyond Blue for small business owners, and sole traders.
Victorian Small Business Commission
Responding to COVID-19: A small business owner’s guide to creating a mental health plan – In consultation with Beyond Blue, drawing on insights shared by Victorian small business owners with lived experience of overcoming mental health challenges.
Mental Health & Social Connection
Free Telehealth Support – Connecting Australians with Medicare bulk-billed & gap-free phone and video counselling with registered psychologists. Someone.Health increases mental health support accessibility where waiting lists, financial constraints, and proximity to professionals have been barriers for many in need.
Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association
Can you identify Workplace Burnout in a Colleague? – 46% of people report that working from home contributes to burnout. Learn how you can identify those around you who might be suffering.
McKinsey & Company
COVID-19 and burnout are straining the mental health of employed parents – In an extensive new survey by McKinsey of over 3000 US-based employees, working parents are reported to be at increased risk of burnout and poor mental health as compared with those without children.
Black Dog Institute
Managers, here’s how to support your staff during COVID-19 – Practical for supporting your staff, particularly those who are struggling.
COVID-19: Resources for anxiety and stress – Fact sheets, digital tools & resources.
Staying well at work in trying times – Understand how to support the mental health of yourself and your team.
Beyond Blue
Work and your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak – Comprehensive resources for understanding and navigating job loss, working from home, COVID-19 and lockdown.
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service – Phone support and web chat support with trained counsellors, and online forums to connect with others.
Business Victoria
Workplace wellbeing – Mental health and business wellbeing support for sole traders, small business and employees.
Guidance for parents & carers – Factsheet
The importance of physical health – Factsheet
Supporting others in times of uncertainty – Factsheet
Responding to uncertainty – Factsheet
Gidget Foundation
Start Talking Program – Free specialist perinatal telehealth psychological counselling services for expectant & new parents nationwide.
COVID-19 Support – Comprehensive collection of factsheets and videos supporting new and expectant parents through COVID-19.
Fact Sheets – Resources & tips to support employers, workers & health providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Life in Mind
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mental health support – Comprehensive hub with resources for small businesses, LGBTQI+ communities, Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Communities, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and more.
Free service and resources – For Australian adults who are experiencing difficulties with anxieties, stress, depression, and low mood, included assessment and treatment courses.
National Mental Health Commission
Mentally Healthy Workplaces during Covid-19 guides – A series of evidence-based, easy to use guides to support the mental health and wellbeing of Australian workers and to encourage mentally healthy workplaces during COVID-19.
NSW Mental Health Commission
How to find mental health support during the COVID-19 pandemic – Resources compiled from various sources including mental health tips, information & community resources.
Phoenix Australia
COVID-19 Mental Health Resources – Resources to support health practitioners and community members during the pandemic from experts in trauma-related mental health.
Queensland Mental Health Commission
COVID-19 and mental health – Positive mental health resources for specific groups including people with lived experience, system responses, and emergency & support services.
SafeWork NSW
COVID-19 Mental health at Work resource kit – Steps an employer can take to minimise workplace mental ill-health during COVID-19.
SANE Australia
Online peer support forums – Safe, anonymous mental health discussion, moderated by mental health professionals.
WayAhead: Mental Health Association NSW
- The Mental Health Information Line 1300 794 991, available 9am-5pm weekdays, can connect you with services, provide support and share information
- The WayAhead Directory is a comprehensive & up-to-date database of mental health, wellbeing & community services
- Register your interest for an online Anxiety Support Group
The Positivity Institute
Covid Care Kit – A comprehensive resource with a variety of psychological strategies from stress management techniques, to mindfulness, to mindset theories that can be used to boost motivation and resilience during difficult periods.
American College of Radiology
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and beyond: Micropractices for burnout prevention and emotional wellness – Informed by Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, these micropractices only require a few seconds to a few minutes to implement and can connect with existing activities.
Physical Health at Home
Get Healthy at Work
Resource addressing a number of health areas that are particularly relevant to workplaces at this moment. The resources have been designed to be relevant during and after any COVID-19 restrictions are in place.
- Alcohol Consumption while WFH – Employers
- Alcohol Consumption while WFH – Workers
- Being Healthy while WFH
- Healthy Eating while WFH
- Quitting Smoking while WFH
Eating well for a healthy headspace – Tips from an expert, a factsheet on food & mood, and an interactive experience for personalised suggestions.
Sleep Health Foundation
COVID-19 resources – Including tips for optimising sleep during difficult times.
Black Dog Institute
One Foot Forward – A walking (or running!) challenge for workplaces in solidarity with Australians impacted by mental illness and suicide.
Workplace Health and Safety
Australian HR Institute (AHRI)
COVID-19 HR Resource Hub – Information to help you plan & support your organisation.
COVID-19 Workplace Safety Hazards – Guidance to assist workers & employers to meet their obligations under the Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) and Safety, Rehabilitation & Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act).
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
COVIDSafe Business Planning Tool – Online planning tool to help business develop a plan to keep their workers, customers & the community safe as they reopen or increase their activities in the weeks & months ahead.
Coronavirus information for employers – Key information for employers including policy & premiums, claims related to COVID-19, working from home claims, treatment, Investigations & Independent Consultations, and business disruption.
SafeWork Australia
COVID-19 information for workplaces – Information on COVID-19 & WHS for 20+ industries, available in 60+ languages.
NSW Government
Mental Health at Work – It’s a legal responsibility to have a safe and healthy workplace. Learn more about mental health at work, your rights, and obligations, and complete the Workplace Pulse Check to see how your business compares to others.
WorkSafe QLD
Coronavirus workplace risk management – A dedicated coronavirus webpage to help workers & employers identify & manage WHS risks.
Identifying risks to health in the healthcare and social assistance industry – Guidance for leaders and employers of Healthcare and Social Assistance organisations.
Financial Wellness
Australian Banking Association
Support during COVID-19 – Relief packages for Personal, Business & Landlord assistance, FAQs, and helpful resources.
Australian Taxation Office
COVID-19 Information – Information about ATO measures & tailored support during COVID-19 for businesses & employers, individuals & employees, and tax professionals.
Beyond Blue
Dealing with the financial impact of being out of work – Steps you can take to restructure your finances if you have lost your job.
Financial Advice Matters
10 steps to bolstering your family finances – The team at Financial Advice Matters (FAM) are looking to assist you in providing financial wellbeing support and do the heavy lifting.
FAM are also happy to assist you with the delivery of online modules over the coming months where your teams can remotely access the support they need.
Please reach out to the FAM team either through their website or email Darren Smith, Managing Director directly to see how they can assist in delivering this cost effectively.
National Debt Helpline
COVID-19 Financial Survival Guide – Steps you can take to look after yourself & your family financially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Services Australia
Getting help during coronavirus – Financial help, social services & other government services to help you if you’re affected by COVID-19.
Black Dog Institute
Managing financial stress during lockdown – Mental and financial health can be a vicious cycle: Read Black Dog’s 5 tips for managing financial stress during lockdown.
Webinars, Podcasts & Short Courses
SafeWork NSW
Free training and coaching – To help keep NSW businesses safe & healthy, SafeWork’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces training will be delivered online only at this time. It is important now more than ever, to take care of our mental health at work through training & support.
- One-on-one business coaching – Our free Direct Practical Coaching program will help your business or not-for-profit create a mentally healthy workplace
- For everyone: Your mental Health at Work – For anyone who wants to improve mental health in the workplace and isn’t managing staff.
- For managers: Managing for Team Wellbeing – Help for anyone managing staff or leading others improve their leadership skills and build a mentally healthy workplace.
- For employers: Leading a Mentally Healthy Workplace – Training is for employers and executive leaders who want to learn practical strategies to provide a safe working environment, meet your WHS obligations, boost productivity and save your business money.
Black Dog Institute
Workplace Programs and Services – Evidence informed workplace programs to develop wellbeing, build organizational and personal resilience, reduce stigma and promote health seeking.
Webinars for Employees and HR & Leaders – Free, evidence-based webinars for employees, and a separate stream for HR & Leaders.
Resource Hubs
COVID-19 & Our Communities – A dedicated page for people from sexuality & gender diverse communities and people living with HIV.
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Information & referrals for people with disability & their supporters about coronavirus, including the Disability Information Helpline, accessible resources, looking after yourself, support for your situation, and helping others.
Coronavirus information for people with disability – Guidance to help people working under the WHS Act and SRC Act. Topics include: Transition back to usual workplaces, Mental health and wellbeing, Work health and safety, Workers’ compensation and rehabilitation, and Service providers and COVID-19.
National LGBTI Health Alliance
COVID-19 Individual & community care for LGBTI people – This is a central resource space for our diverse LGBTI community members.
COVID-19 Community sector resources – A compilation of resources covering advice for diverse groups, service continuity during a pandemic, important considerations for your organisation, financial support, legal advice, relevant research and more.
Perinatal Workplace Wellbeing Program
COVID-19 resources – Resources & webinars to support new & expectant working parents to navigate the impacts of COVID-19.
Qld Government
COVID-19 Information for government employees – A Qld Government COVID-19 webpage to provide information for government employees.
COVID-19 Support guide – Content aimed at enabling everyone to “put their own oxygen mask on first”, including useful resources for people leaders.
Wellness Designs
The Hub – Enjoy a 30-day free trial of The Hub, Australasia’s first knowledge centre for workplace wellness, including access to a dedicated COVID-19 section.
Black Dog Institute
COVID-19 resources for managers & workers – Evidence based information from Sleep and exercise to managing loneliness through lockdown.
NSW Government
COVID-19 Mental Health at Work Resource Kit – Comprehensive resource kid providing leaders, managers, and business owners with the information they need to support their staff during COVID-19, and their legal obligations.
NSCA Foundation
Research-led frontline mental wellbeing recommendations – An Australian research team has developed a set of recommendations to manage the mental health of frontline medical workers during viral outbreaks, such as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, including clear communication, providing training and education, enforcing infection control procedures, ensuring adequate supplies of protective equipment and providing access to psychological interventions.
COVID-19 Community Sector Research – Various research from around the world.
The University of Sydney
Coronavirus research and expertise – Sydney experts are at the forefront of COVID-19 research, from understanding its genetic origins to assisting recovery efforts.