WayAhead was founded in 1932 and was initially known as the NSW Council for Mental Hygiene. During its 90 year history, WayAhead and its programs have changed and evolved, however its core purpose has remained: we exist to combat mental health stigma through education, advocacy, and promotion, as well as taking practical steps in linking individuals to services and resources that improve the lives of individuals.
When WayAhead Workplaces was formed in 2006, the role organisations should play in the mental health of their employees was still unclear. There was certainly a strong focus on the need for physical health and safety within the workplace, however, few guidelines existed around how organisations can best protect or influence an individual’s mental health.
Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing is now a key concern for organisations, policy makers, and individuals alike. In recent years, the question has moved from “why”, to “how” – Seeing rapid development in WHS legislation, best practice interventions, research insights, services, and providers, and how these unique perspectives each contribute to unique organisational environments.
Since its inception, WayAhead Workplaces has worked to bring sector and business leaders together – Those who are passionate about championing workplace wellbeing within their own organisations and beyond, both to meet their strategic goals and to see the world be happier, healthier place to live.
We at WayAhead Workplaces invite you to join us in the continuation of this mission.